Four children make a mysterious discovery on their home planet, which leaves them lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Jude Law in “Skeleton Crew”; and more stars from a galaxy far, far away. The holographic circus that entertains the young Neel siblings is the same Chewbacca family clock from the infamous “Star Wars” show (1978). AniMat Crazy Animation Cast: Silly Old Killer Bear (2022). Honestly, the only thing that keeps me watching is Jude Law’s character: Jod Na Navud. Yod is a charming rogue who reminds me of Han Solo, except that there are more questions about who he really is and what he is really capable of. Is he a Jedi? Is he here? Who is he?! Still, as the trailer showed, Jod will be a temporary pseudo-father figure to the four main characters, and Law is the perfect actor to play him. So I really hope they don’t kill him off at the end of the series like Disney has been doing with characters I like in their recent shows – *cough*Sol*cough*. Update your watchlist with the latest list of movies and TV shows streaming on Disney+, including old favorites and top-tier newcomers.
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