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Essentially, they manage the land and secure the lease so they can drill for oil and gas
A modern tale of the pursuit of fortune in the world of oil drilling in West Texas.. Watch the most popular movies and TV shows by writer/director Taylor Sheridan on IMDb, ranked by user ratings.. A landman, at least someone who is in the petroleum industry, works as a go-between between exploration companies and landowners. Typically, a landman’s job is to negotiate and make agreements with landowners who own mineral rights to lease those rights to the company they represent.
Quoted in CBS News Sunday Morning: Episode #4424 (2022)
Like a foreman on a construction site, they build roads, housing for workers (the men’s camp), assemble drilling machinery, and drill the wells themselves, especially in remote locations. They also do some repairs, troubleshooting, and mediation. It’s a television classic, but by an author we’ll remember in a few decades as Norman Lear does today. There seems to be a difference in geography here.
Is the mother-daughter-father family dynamic inappropriate?
It’s another niche western series that’s been heavily marketed and has great performances from top-notch actors. Are there accuracy issues with the oil industry? Obviously. Yes.
No problem, it’s a dynamic and entertaining production
Does that mean none of this is happening in real life? Thornton is perfect for the role, although I read that it was written just for him from the start. Larter gives a top-notch performance and looks phenomenal. There are a lot of interesting things, except for the one oddity that Demi Moore is mentioned in all 10 episodes.
If not, then I wonder what’s going on
I’ve seen all 5 episodes that have aired so far, and unless I’m the only one, I remember seeing and hearing her only once or so, for a brief moment in their pool. Hamm’s character doesn’t appear all that often either, but he’s well-acted and fits his character perfectly, but Moore just hasn’t been allowed to contribute anything yet. Maybe that’s how it’s written and she’ll play a role in later episodes.